5 Superfoods to eat daily - grab those blueberries!


Variations in the dishes we eat every day make meal times more pleasurable and fun. But if we want to maintain good health, there are certain superfoods that doctors and nutritionists say we should eat daily.

Here are 5 superfoods one should eat every day:


This green and leafy vegetable is great for building muscles. It is also a rich source of Omega-3 and folate, nutrients that help minimize the risk of stroke, heart disease and osteoporosis. Spinach is also full of lutein that helps fight macular degeneration, helping one's eyesight remain clearer for longer. Doctors recommend an intake of one cup of fresh spinach or one half cup of cooked every day. Spinach can be added to salads, scrambled eggs or pizza. Or it can be mixed with marinara sauce and microwave it for a fast and healthy dip.



Blueberries are a true superfood. It has more antioxidants than most of the fruits and vegetables commonly found in markets. Blueberries are blue because of the antioxidant plant pigments found in them. These antioxidants are the same compounds that protect us against cancer, heart disease, urinary tract infections, memory loss and age-related eye problems. A half cup of blueberries a day is equal to one fruit and vegetable serving. Aside from eating it straight up, blueberries can also be sprinkled over food at the last minute, as cooking the berries kills the vitamin c it carries.


Garlic is also one very popular superfood. It is touted to have antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral properties and sulfur compounds that act as antioxidants. Eating six or more cloves of garlic a week can lower the risk of one having colorectal, prostate and stomach cancer. It is easy to incorporate garlic in our meals but to fully release its benefits, let it stand for 10 minutes after crushing or chopping it.


This health food has been around for 2,000 years. While it might be old, the health benefits it carries always remains fresh and important. The probiotic organisms in yoghurt are helpful additions to the millions of good bacteria that are already in one's body. This bacteria help improve one's immune system and can also serve as protection against cancer.



Tomatoes are full of the antioxidant lycopene. Red tomatoes are better because it carries more of the antioxidant. The good thing about this fruit is that it can be eaten fresh or processed; some say that processed tomatoes are actually better since the body can absorb it better. Studies have shown that a lycopene rich diet decreases the risk of one getting cancer and coronary heart disease. To get the maximum health benefits, try to drink a glass of tomato juice or about eight red tomatoes.

Other superfoods that one should try and incorporate in their daily diet are olive oil, oats, black beans and walnuts.


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