'Fable Legends' DLC news: DLCs for the game to be released 'aggressively'

(Credits: Fable Legends official website)

Lionhead's game director David Eckleberry has recently announced the DLCs for the free-to-play online IP "Fable Legends," and there will be plenty more of it once they release the next "Fable" installment.

During an interview with G2G Evolved, Eckleberry revealed that the game will have tons of DLC in the future including new quests and heroes. "We'll be continuing to release new heroes, quests, and creatures at a very regular and dare I say aggressive cadence after the game's release," he said said.

As for whether the DLCs are free or not, Lionhead had previously said that they will either be free or earned by playing the game. "That means we will continue to release new Heroes, new creatures, new quests, and other new features for our players to love. And all of these will either be totally free, such as the new quests, or earnable in-game," the developer said via GamePur.

However, they did assure everyone that the game will be free-to-play and will not have any kind of restrictions. There will be no gated areas and all quests are open to all players, as said on GameSpot. "Fable Legends" will not also have an energy bar, which limits the play time of the user.

In addition, Eckleberry mentioned to everyone that the items, which will have a direct effect to the game, can be acquired by going through chests and loots. However, as mentioned on on iDigital Times, things like XP and potions are not available for purchase.

There has been no announcement yet regarding when they will release the free-to-play cooperative game "Fable Legends." But according to GameSpot, the IP is still in development for the Xbox One and the PC platforms. It will also have the cross-platform feature where Xbox One players can play the game with PC gamers, and vice versa.

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