iOS 9.3.2 jailbreak release looking increasingly unlikely; iOS 10 jailbreak may now be main focus for Pangu

(Apple)Release of iOS 9.3.2 jailbreak appearing increasingly unlikely

It may be time to look forward to the release of the iOS 10 jailbreak as opposed to the iOS 9.3.2 jailbreak, as the latter's arrival is looking more and more like a longshot.

The wait for the 9.3.2 jailbreak has seemingly gone on for a while now, and people who continue to wait for it may have to stay on standby indefinitely as it no longer appears to be the primary focus of at least one prominent jailbreaking team.

As some folks may remember, the well-known jailbreaking team Pangu made an appearance at the recently concluded Mobile Security Conference (MOSEC) and they brought something interesting along with them.

According to a recent post from, Pangu gave the folks in attendance at MOSEC a good look at a new jailbreak that's compatible with the latest version of the iOS 10 beta.

Pangu's showing off an iOS 10 jailbreak demo could be a hint that people will be seeing the real thing at some point, but with that piece of software getting the bulk of the attention, what exactly does that mean for the long-awaited iOS 9.3.2 jailbreak?

Rumors that started making the rounds online not long after the event indicated that Pangu could be making an iOS 9.3.2 jailbreak available only days after MOSEC, though it's unclear if that will actually happen.

Over on Twitter, a member of the PoC team that co-hosted the event briefly talked about the status of the 9.3.2 jailbreak.

According to a tweet from "@vangelis_at_POC," whether or not Pangu has a 9.3.2 jailbreak is unknown at this point, though the rumors that indicated that it could be coming within a few days after MOSEC were apparently unconfirmed.

What it all means is that the status of the 9.3.2 jailbreak remains uncertain, just as it has seemingly always been for quite a while now.

Things could certainly change dramatically, and the iOS 9.3.2 jailbreak could still come from Pangu or perhaps from some other source, though it's also possible that the next piece of software that the team publicly releases is the one already designed to work with iOS 10.

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