'Kill Strain' on Playstation 4 news: free game released, features innovative 5v5v2 gameplay and high replayability

(Reuters/Yuya Shino)"Kill Strain" was released via PlayStation 4 on July 19.

The free-to-play "Kill Strain" on PlayStation 4 (PS4) is finally upon all the PlayStation fans.

The twin-stick, shooter game has been introduced to the members of "PlayStation Plus" previously, but the global PlayStation enthusiasts are nothing but cheerful as the San Diego Studio-produced game has been finally released on Tuesday, July 19. The "Kill Strain" on PS4 is operating on a "mercs vs. mercs vs. humans" approach, wherein three teams are being pitted at each other's throats in order to gain control of the eponymous energy source "The Strain."

The game is truly confounding when it comes to reaching the utmost goal as it presents two significant choices, namely to concentrate and veer away from the nefarious threat or to do away with the fellow humans. Furthermore, the mutants have the capacity to turn their human adversaries into themselves which results to an even more dynamic team appropriation.

The "Kill Strain" on PS4 features are also encouragingly friendly. The game sports the innovative 5v5v2 gameplay, which engages the players into a three-way tug of war for ultimate dominance in the battlefield. The Dynamic Team-Sizing is also noteworthy as it calls forth greater team building through human-to-mutant type of reduction. Meanwhile, Sony has announced conclusively that game will not be reduced into one of those "pay to win" mechanisms that have been hovering on to most of the free competitive games. 

Furthermore, players can rehabilitate their playing style when it comes to progressing their character, may they be mutants or humans alike based on their biological and technological enhancements. The "high replayability" of the game is also a winning feature as it will provide the players fresh experience in every round.

Apart from "Kill Strain," Sony San Diego has also been developing the annual "Major League Baseball Series" along with "LittleBigPlanet Karting", "ModNation Racers" on PSP and Vita, and the "Medieval Moves" for PlayStation Move.

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