Mother Teresa reported to be canonized by September 2016; Congregation for the Cause of Saints studying miracle attributed to her


Mother Teresa of Calcutta, one of the world's renowned religious figures, will reportedly be canonized in September 2016. The news came even though the Congregation for the Causes of Saints has still not attributed a second miracle to the nun. 

According to AGI, the canonization will be held on Sept. 5, 2016, which is also the anniversary of the nun's death and the official feast day for her. But L'Avvenire, the official newspaper of the Italian bishops' conference, said the canonization is likelier to be held on Sept. 4, a Sunday.  

However, the press office of the Holy See has clarified that no date had been officially set for the alleged canonization — the formal act of declaring someone a saint. But vice director Fr. Ciro Benedettini did admit that there's an ongoing study on the possible canonization of Mother Teresa. 

A miraculous healing of a Brazilian man has been attributed to the nun and has led to the Vatican investigating Mother Teresa's cause. According to reports, Fr. Elmiran Ferreira Santo from Brazil reported that one of his parishioners prayed to the Mother Teresa to intercede and cure her husband, who had a brain tumor. The patient allegedly improved to the point that he was discharged from the ICU and was subsequently given a clean bill of health. 

The Catholic News Service has reported that a panel of doctors had concluded that there was no natural medical explanation for the occurrence. The miracle said to have been done by Mother Teresa will be carefully examined by the Congregation for the Causes of Saints in December. This congregation, which is composed of several cardinals and bishops, is tasked with deciding on matters pertaining to sainthood. Their conclusion will then be passed on to Pope Francis.

However, the congregation might ask for further proof of the said miracle, which could delay the canonization. But if they accept the findings of the doctors, they will then present the case to Pope Francis. He will then decide whether to accept the miracle and will then set a date for the canonization. 

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