Pope Urges Czech Believers to 'Remain Faithful'

Pope Benedict XVI urged believers in the Czech Republic to "remain faithful…to the Gospel" in a message delivered during his three-day journey to the country, which ended on Monday.

"History has demonstrated the absurdities to which man descends when he excludes God from the horizon of his choices and actions," Benedict said to over 120,000 gathered in a field in the city of Brnoon on Sunday.

"Here, as elsewhere, many people suffered in past centuries for remaining faithful to the Gospel, and they did not lose hope."

Benedict also warned of the dangers that technological and social change can bring to a personal commitment to faith.

"Your country, like other nations, is experiencing cultural conditions that often present a radical challenge to faith and therefore also to hope," he said.

"[Faith and hope] have been relegated to the private and other-worldly sphere, while in day-to-day public life confidence in scientific and economic progress has been affirmed," he added, concluding that such "progress" is, "not enough to guarantee the moral welfare of society."

The Pope ended his visit to the Czech Republic in the city of Stara Boleslav, where he delivered a mass for nearly 35,000 people in celebration of the feast of St. Wenceslas, a tenth century martyr and patron saint of the city.

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