GTA Online heists offer one-time bonus Another Perspective and lucrative cash rewards

(REUTERS/Mike Blake)

Rockstar Games has just added online heists to GTA 5 across all its versions, marking the biggest update yet to the game. Teams of GTA Vplayers can now come together to pull off multiplayer robberies that can give a large cash payout on being completed successfully. Each heist will come with its own Elite Challenge that will offer huge cash bonuses and can be completed multiple times, though they have been assigned a top difficulty rating. Nevertheless, heists can prove extremely lucrative if they are performed well.

According to Rockstar, there are also Special Heist Completion bonuses that can be earned through heists and the game studio has provided their full list:

First Time – Complete each Heist Finale for the first time to net a bonus cash reward

All In Order Challenge – Complete all Heists in order, including Setups, to receive a $1,000,000 cash bonus

Loyalty Challenge – Complete all Heists, including Setups, with the same team of players to receive an additional $1,000,000 bonus

Criminal Mastermind Challenge – Complete all Heists, in order, with the same group of players, without losing any lives, to receive a massive $10,000,000 bonus

Players should note that these Special Heist Completion bonuses can only be achieved once per person.

For PS4 and Xbox One players, Rockstar has added an additional one-time bonus called Another Perspective. The bonus is awarded when the player completes every heist in the first-person mode. This challenge can be completed by each player in the heist remaining in the first-person mode for the entire duration of the heist. The heist's leader can ensure this by locking the camera to first-person mode in the lobby settings.

The games studio has also announced that the planned release of "GTA V" for PC on April 14 will have its own bonuses. For those players who pre-order the game by March 31, there will be an additional $200,000 in-game cash to use in "GTA Online."

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