iOS 8.4 jailbreak available for Mac users

(Reuters/Robert Galbraith)iOS 8

The jailbreak Gods have shined kindly on Mac users as the TaiG team has recently released the iOS 8.4 jailbreak for Mac.

According to Tech Times, users of Mac can now quickly jailbreak their iOS devices. The article has also created a step-by-step guide on how a Mac User could easily use the new software.

In a report by IB times, the jailbreaking team said that the new Mac tool can jailbreak not just the iOS 8.4 but also previous versions starting  from 8.1.3 to the 8.3. The new version is also compatible from the iPhone 4s to the very recent iPhone 6 devices.

The new jailbreak for Mac was released last Sunday, and was already overshadowed by another jailbreaking team, 25PP, who released their jailbreaking tool for Mac a couple of weeks earlier. 25PP was also the same team that allegedly stole TaiG's code for iOS 8.4 hours before it was released.

Ecumenical News has also obtained a statement from the TaiG team's Weibo account about the incident a couple of months back. The statement read:

"At present, after the official release iOS8.4 only one hour, PP jailbreak jailbreak assistant copied the loophole used by Tai Chi, imitation iOS8.4 jailbreak tool. We strongly condemn the violation assistant PP jailbreak hacker spirit of plagiarism infringement and will take legal action! Taiji jailbreak iOS8.4 jailbreak tool is orderly conduct internal testing. After rigorous testing tool after, we will be officially released in 1 hour!"

25PP has also released a statement regarding the issue and said:

"As the leading jailbreak team worldwide, TaiG thinks that jailbreak development is the representative of geek spirit. We only hope to provide freedom to users worldwide. The act of PP violates not only TaiG's legitimate rights but also the pure spirit."

Though TaiG has shown proof of the plagiarized code, there has been no further action since then.

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