'Star Wars: Battlefront' DLC: 'Battle of Jakku', new game mode called Turning Point coming

(EA Star Wars: Battlefront Official Website)

The Battle of Jakku, the massive war between the Empire and the Rebel forces prior to the storyline of the "Star Wars: The Force Awakens" movie, is going to be the first ever downloadable content for the freshly released sci-fi first-person shooter game "Star Wars: Battlefront." In addition to the map, this free DLC is also going to introduce a new game mode. 

Publisher Electronic Arts and game developer DICE revealed on Tuesday, Nov. 24, that the "Battle of Jakku" DLC will feature the desert planet Jakku as well as show the massive combat between the Rebels and the Empire forces. Furthermore, this will allow players to experience the warfare that happens prior to the events in "Star Wars Episode VII." 

"Taking place in the aftermath of the Rebel victory in the Battle of Endor, players will experience the events that created the massive, battle-scarred landscape of Jakku shown in 'Star Wars: The Force Awakens,'" EA wrote on the official announcement. 

In addition to the map, the "Battle of Jakku" DLC will also introduce the new 40-player massive battle mode called Turning Point. It will portray the hard obstacle that the Rebels have to go through to defeat the Empire on a massive scale land and air battle. 

"At the edge of the map, the Empire has constructed a make-shift base as well as smaller fortifications strewn across the landscape," Lead Level Designer Dennis Brännvall said. "Following an emergency landing, the Rebels need to locate the enemy bases to attack and take control of them all." 

As for the rules of the mode, the official post explains that the Rebel team must capture three control points from the Empire forces. Each captured point will add more time into the timer. 

The "Star Wars: Battlefront – Battle of Jakku" DLC is set for release on Dec. 1 for the ones who have pre-ordered the game and one week after for everyone else. 

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