Study links mother's butt size to baby's health and intelligence


A new study claims that women with larger derrières have smarter kids compared to flat-bottomed women. According to researchers from the University of Pittsburgh, the fat supplies in and around a woman's buttocks and thighs aids brain development in babies. This is because the high amount of Omega 3 fatty acids (good fatty acids) stored in the fat supplies in these regions is responsible for the development of a baby's brain.

Previous studies had suggested that women with fat-bottoms are smarter in comparison to women with flat-bottoms. Researchers have claimed that the increased amounts of Omega 3 fatty acids stored by fat-bottomed women improve their bran functionality and development. Other studies have discovered that women with such body types have lower cholesterol levels and produce more hormones to metabolize sugar.

The latest evidence shows that the fat content in a mother's breast milk is derived from the lower half of her body, including the thighs, buttocks, etc. The extra fat in these areas allows women to store more nutrients to be passed on to the baby while breastfeeding, making the high quantity of Omega 3 an important part of the baby's intake.

The findings were published in a recent book "Why Women Need Fat" by William Lassek from the University of Pittsburgh. According to Lassek, women find it very difficult to lose the fat around their bums and thighs after giving birth as their bodies have evolved to store these fats for the longest possible periods for the benefit of their children.

Interestingly, men may also find fat-bottomed women more attractive due to the high amount of Omega 3 stored by women with such body types, as it could be nature's way of ensuring healthy and intelligent children.

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