'World of Warcraft' news: Blizzard is now holding a survey and planning to give out free 'WoW' access to those who will watch 'Warcraft' movie

(Facebook / WarcraftMovie)

Eagle-eyed fans of the popular massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG), "World of Warcraft," have recently spotted a posting from Blizzard suggesting that those who will watch the film "Warcraft" will receive many amazing freebies, as well as an access to "WoW," according to the post made by user fatsocks over at Reddit.

As many might have noticed, the posting, which was screen captured and posted to Imgur, has a typo that says "Litch" instead of "Lich." This error has made some fans quite skeptical about the survey that the game publisher has recently been conducting for "World of Warcraft." Luckily, though, Blizzard's customer support representative, Araxom, has confirmed that the posting was in fact legitimate and the typo was just an error.

"I'm not sure if a correction email has been sent (good feedback), but I do know that the typo has since been corrected for subsequent mailings," Araxom explained on the thread.

However, despite it being legitimate, it doesn't necessarily mean that this will happen. As stated on the top part of the post, the company is considering the offer and it is in no way official, yet. So for now, though, it is best to keep an open mind for now until the company officially confirms it.

However, if this were to happen, then it should be a good deal for the fans. They can watch the movie and get to play the critically acclaimed MMORPG right after.

Meanwhile, the "World of Warcraft: Ultimate Movie Edition" freebies are as follows: digital copies of the expansions "Burning Crusade," "Wrath of the Lich King," "Cataclysm," "Mists of Pandaria," and "Warlords of Draenor." Fans who will receive this edition will also get one whole month of free access to "World of Warcraft" plus exclusive in-game items, which was never revealed on the post.

More news regarding this offer will probably emerge in coming months, prior to the premiere of the movie.

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