'Captain America 3: Civil War' spoilers – SHIELD director Nick Fury to die in Captain America 3 or Avengers 3? Spiderman included in Civil War


Marvel comic book fans are certainly waiting with bated breath for "Captain America 3: Civil War" after "Winter Soldier". However, recent reports indicate that SHIELD director, Nick Fury, may be dying in the movie. In an interview with IGN, actor Samuel L. Jackson, who plays the role of the inspiring director, revealed that he has only two movies left in his nine movie contract deal with Marvel. Jackson's nine movie deal started with 2008's "Iron Man" and since then he has appeared in seven movies including "Iron Man", "Iron Man 2", "Thor", "Captain America: The First Avenger", "The Avengers" and "Captain America: The Winter Soldier". Samuel L. Jackson recently wrapped up filming "The Avengers: Age of Ultron", which is his seventh Marvel film. That leaves only two more, which implies that Nick Fury may die in "Captain America 3: Civil War" or "Avengers 3: Infinity War."

While the actor was willing to get an extension or even have a stand-alone spin-off revolving around the director's story, so far he hasn't been approached by Marvel. Viewers of "Captain America 2: The Winter Soldier" may remember that Fury faked his own death before resurrecting himself towards the end of the movie.

Moreover, it is believed that Spiderman will be a part of the third Captain America movie since he plays a pivotal role in being the leader for a new flock of superheroes. Marvel and Sony Pictures seems to have come to some agreement, which means the radioactive spider will be in the upcoming movie, reports Venture Capital Post. The possible death of Nick Fury and the appearance of Spiderman after many years sure makes the third Captain America movie exciting.

The plot follows an epic battle between Captain America and Iron Man as the two superheroes are on opposing sides of the Superhuman Registration Act. Stark believes they should register while Rogers believes they should live their lives like everybody else and registration means putting them and their families in harm. Captain America is set to die in the movie.

"Captain America 3: Civil War" will premiere on May 6, 2016.

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