Duggar family news: Jessa Seewald bids affectionate farewell to Jill and Derick Dillard as they embark on missionary trip

(19 Kids and Counting/Official Facebook)

A month after "19 Kids and Counting" was hit with Josh Duggar's molestation scandal, Jill Duggar and her husband Derick Dillard are off to make a new start.

 A home video that was recently posted on the family's website shows the whole Duggar clan (sans Josh) bidding a sad farewell to Jill, Derick and baby Israel as they set out to start their own missionary work.

The video showed the large family trying to fit in the camera frame while patriarch Jim Bob led a prayer that ended with his wonderment that "people can be forgiven for what they have done wrong, and in You they can become new creatures."

At one point, Jill and her sisters came together for a long and heartfelt embrace before Michelle gently reminded her family that this was not a goodbye. She also reminded Jill that they "have a destination vacation planned to come and see you and our sweet new baby."

The Dillards then left to presumably go to the airport. However, people are wondering if they really have left for their missionary work. A post that Derick wrote on the Dillard Family Blog seem to indicate that his young family still have some visiting to do with family and friends before they can leave.

Jessa Duggar's Instagram post also did not help the Dillards' case and just left more people wondering if the family had really left the country. The post was a photo of the Dillards boarding a plane with the caption "They've been praying about and working towards this transition since late last year, and are so excited to finally be heading to the mission field!"

However, an administrator for a Facebook page soon figured that Jessa posted a photo that came from a different trip that the Dillards took. The administrator quickly broke down the clues and called out the 22-year-old Jessa for purposely making "it sound like they were leaving and posted a photo to prove it."

Jill Duggar and Derick Dillard have previously mentioned that they intend to leave for their mission in July. Fans would just have to wait and see if this really pushes through.

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