'Frozen 2' spoilers: Olaf to have a love interest; 'Let It Go' follow-up will be a duet

(YOUTUBE / WALT DISNEY)Elsa singing "Let It Go"

Disney has a series of sequels coming up in the next few years. Perhaps one of the most-awaited of these sequels is for the 2013 animated hit, "Frozen." A lot has been said about Elsa on "Frozen 2," yet the latest rumors talk about the funny snowman, Olaf, and the movie's soundtrack.

Whoever is stepping into "Frozen 2" to create its soundtrack sure has a tough job in his or her hands. Husband and wife, Robert Lopez and Kristen Anderson-Lopez, have turned Idina Menzel's (Elsa) "Let It Go" into sort of an anthem for young girls all over the world.

As The Telegraph's resident film critic Robbie Collin noted, "But the problem with musicals is – unlike films in general – they just don't spawn successful sequels. And while it's hard to say exactly why that is, I suspect it's because so much of your enjoyment of a musical is tied up in the experience of a particular number: not just the song and the singer's performance of it, but the staging, where it fits in the narrative, and as a result of all of those things put together, the very particular fireworks display of emotions it takes you through."

For the upcoming movie, whether or not the husband and wife return to write the songs, young girls will reportedly sing a duet to be sung by Elsa and her sister Anna (voiced by Kristen Bell).

However, the juicier tidbit to probably come out recently about the "Frozen" sequel is about Olaf, the comic snowman voiced by Josh Gad. The Telegraph claims that the summer-dreaming snowman will have a romantic link in the upcoming movie. Not only is it good for the story, but also for the merchandise. Kids truly love Olaf and pairing him with someone means having more toys that kids can pine after.

"Frozen 2" is rumored for release sometime in 2018.

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