'Game of Thrones' prequel news, updates: HBO still thinking about it; final season airing in theaters?

(Facebook/GameofThrones)"Game of Thrones" season 7 will air in summer 2017.

Fans all know that "Game of Thrones" only has two, shortened seasons left until it goes off the air. And while this may be a hard thing to accept, talks of a possible prequel may just help smooth things over. However, it doesn't seem like the wheel is spinning yet as HBO programming president Casey Bloys reveals.

While speaking to TheWrap, Bloys admitted that producing a prequel had already crossed their minds. "We've talked very, very kind of high-level, like, 'Oh, that would be interesting, a prequel would be interesting, are there areas that make more sense?'" he said. "But we haven't — no one has put pen to paper — yet. It's still pretty early on."

However, he did continue to say that "Game of Thrones" has such a vast world to offer and endless possibilities, saying that they would be "crazy not to at least explore the idea of some sort of prequel or whatever you want to call it."

Bloys echoed the same sentiments when he sat down with Entertainment Weekly and talked about the rumored prequel. "I would say it's still kind of preliminary ongoing talks," Bloys revealed.

It seems that they are still in the middle of discussing everything. And because "Game of Thrones" has a lot of material they can expound on, they have yet to make a decision on what they will tackle if a prequel does end up being green-lighted.

As for the remainder of "Game of Thrones," production for season 7 is currently underway. The upcoming season will only consist of seven episodes — three less than the standard count that fans have gotten used to. Season 8, on the other hand, has been said to only have six episodes because that's how co-creators David Benioff and Dan Weiss see it, but that has not been set in stone yet. However, it seems like the showrunners will have the final say in things.

"I'll take as much as we can get," Bloys admitted.

Moreover, a lot of people have expressed their desire to see the final episodes of the series on the big screen. And although releasing it in theaters does seem like a fitting end to the epic fantasy series, chances are low that HBO will agree to such an arrangement.

"Game of Thrones" season 7 will premiere in summer 2017.

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