'Game of Thrones' season 7 cast news, plot rumors: Joseph Mawle spotted in Belfast; Benjen Stark to reunite with Jon Snow?

(Facebook/GameofThrones)"Game of Thrones" will premiere in summer 2017.

More "Game of Thrones" cast sightings have come to light as of late, revealing the reappearance of yet another character. It looks like Joseph Mawle, who plays Benjen Stark, is set to reprise his role in season 7.

The revelation came from a fan photo with Mawle and a couple of other "Game of Thrones" actors. Mawle was spotted hanging out with Iain Glen and Kristofer Hivju at a restaurant in Belfast called Mumbai 27. 

There were already rumors circulating online that Benjen would return somehow in the seventh season. Mawle's sighting in Belfast, where the HBO fantasy series is filming, only confirms these rumors.

Glen and Hivju were already previously seen filming in Wolf Hill Quarry, along with Kit Harington and Rory McCann. This initially came as a surprise to many seeing as the foursome have not really been seen in one scene together (except for Harington and Hivju) since their storylines do not coincide.

Glen's Jorah Mormont was last seen being ordered by Emilia Clarke's Daenerys to find himself a cure for greyscale. By the end of season 6, McCann's Sandor Clegane, aka The Hound, had joined the Brotherhood without Banners as they headed North to help out with the fight against White Walkers.

Now, it seems that the two characters will encounter Harington's Jon Snow and Hivju's Tormund Giantsbane. They are all reportedly going to participate in a big action sequence — presumably against wights or White Walkers. With Mawle also in Belfast, the foursome may just encounter the undead Benjen, who previously helped Bran Stark (Isaac Hempstead Wright) and Meera Reed (Ellie Kendrick).

Director Alan Taylor was also seen in Wolf Hill Quarry, indicating that the climactic scene will take place in episode 6, the upcoming season's penultimate episode. 

It will surely be interesting to witness all of these strong male characters working together in one scene. But fans will have to wait until summer 2017, when "Game of Thrones" season 7 is expected to bow.

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