Legend of Korra season 3 to launch soon; Korra fights the White Lotus, meets dragons?

The Legend of Korra Season 3 release date will be on July 2014 at the Comic Con in San Diego, California, according to Toonzone.

There is no official announcement yet, but Mir Studio, which is behind the animated drama TV series, said they are done with Book 3 and it is up to Nickelodeon to make the announcement.

Followers of Legend of Korra are anxiously waiting for the news of the next book's release date as well as any rumors regarding the upcoming sequel, some of which are as follows.

The next season will show Korra facing many villains as the trailer shows her fighting for what seems to be members of White Lotus. However, that can be just training; or else the White Lotus really will turn from peacekeepers to villains.

Season 3 will be set more on fire kingdoms and on earth. Korra is also seen fighting against the earth benders. She will learn Zuko's past more from his daughter. Dragons are also spotted in the trailer. Korra may indeed meet a dragon or own one.

The season will be more on Korra who will be balancing the regular world and spiritual world together. A leaked picture of Jinora is rumored to play a big role in Book 3, and so is Lin Beifong. Jinora is a daughter of Tenzin, the one from whom Korra learned airbending.

Unfortunately, season 3 will see some major deaths, one of which is a beloved character. It is rumored that Katara will die. Zuko's daughter, the Fire Lord, will be introduced.

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