'Longmire' season 5 news: Fans hold online event to convince Netflix to renew series and to introduce show to new viewers

(Official Facebook)

Netflix released the entire fourth season of "Longmire" on its streaming service last Sept. 10 and it didn't take long for loyal fans to eat it up in its entirety and demand for a second serving — or a fifth season. 

It's still very early in the day but fans of the series, who have dubbed themselves the "Longmire Posse," have already started a campaign to ensure that their favorite Western crime drama will be back for a fifth season.

The Posse launched a Stampede that took place on Oct. 7 and lasted for one hour, starting at 9 ET/ 8 CT/ 7 MT/ 6 PT. 

During that time, Posse members old and new were encouraged to tweet, retweet, post and share anything "Longmire" related, using the hashtag #LongmireS5NETFLIX. They also had to tag Netflix and "Longmire." 

According to the "Longmire Posse's" Facebook page, the Stampede actually serves a dual purpose. Aside from encouraging Netflix to once again pick up the series, every tweet or post can introduce the show to hundreds of people who haven't heard of or watched "Longmire" before. 

The Posse was also keen to point out that their Stampeding was a factor in Netflix's decision to pick up the series for a fourth season. With this latest Stampede, the Posse wants to show the streaming service that they still are engaged with the show, maybe even more so now than ever before. 

"Longmire" revolves around Walt Longmire (Robert Taylor), sheriff of the fictional Absaroka County in Wyoming. The sheriff, his daughter and his deputies all work together to solve major crimes in their jurisdiction. 

The show first ran on the A&E network before it got cancelled after its third season. The cancellation came as a surprise as the show was popular and had good ratings. It was eventually picked up by Netflix.

There's no news yet on how successful the Posse's Stampede is this time around, but some sites have already started speculating on what viewers can expect in season 5, a sign of confidence that viewers believe a good show will soon come back on air. 

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