'Marco Polo' season 3 release date, renewal news: creator's tweet ignites talk of a renewal

(Facebook/Marco PoloMP)The fate of "Marco Polo" season 3 lies on the hands of Netflix. More news about the state of the show is expected to come out soon.

Following the cliffhanger ending of "Marco Polo" season three, fans are now looking forward to news from Netflix regarding a third installment. However, the streaming giant has remained mum over the past weeks, leaving fans wondering when they will see Kublai Khan again.

But late last month, a recent tweet from series creator John Fusco led many to believe that talks are already on the way for "Marco Polo" season three. In his Twitter post, Fusco said, "We're not done, Monk. Me and you, were' not done." He also included a photo of Kublai Khan (Benedict Wong) and Hundred Eyes (Tom Wu), further fueling speculations about the unannounced season.

Since neither Fusco nor Netflix have taken the initiative to address the rumors, fans can only keep on hoping that the Mongol leader's story will continue.

Netflix Life predicts that if ever "Marco Polo" is given a third shot, it would take more than a year to produce the material. The outlet points out that for season two, it took production a year and a half to come up with the episodes. This could mean that the third season might be released sometime between fall or early winter 2017.

Another issue that has yet to be addressed is the alleged budget constraints that have been delaying the announcement of "Marco Polo" season three. The historical drama required a staggering $90 million for its first season to be produced. Rumor has it that Netflix has not yet come up with an amount close to the figures, which could be the reason why it has not yet announced the show's renewal.

On the other hand, there are still many stories to be told of the Mongol warrior's travels. There's also the final scene in season two that left fans wondering if Kublai Khan is still alive. Prester John seems to have attacked the camp and it has yet to be revealed if Kublai Khan escaped the attack safely.

For now, viewers can relive Kublai Khan and Marco Polo's journey in "Marco Polo" season one and season two, which are available for streaming on Netflix.

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