Microsoft Surface Pro 4 rumors: tablet-laptop may not release until 2016?

(Microsoft)Microsoft Surface Pro 3 could be last laptop/tablet

Microsoft may just be the king of delays this year, what with all the rumors of delay in software and hardware releases. The latest product rumored to be hitting a road bump on the road to release is the Microsoft Surface Pro 4.

After reports that Microsoft will start phasing out devices which have not been doing well in terms of sales, including their latest tablet-laptop hybrid Surface Pro 3, tech insiders are now speculating that the Surface Pro 4 may not even see the light of day anymore — in short, the device just may be cancelled. But reports from Business Korea Magazine, Engadget Japan, and Newsburn debunk the said speculations.

According to the three news sites, Microsoft has just placed a large order for 256GB SSDs using Samsung's NVME technology, which can perform data transfer at 2GB per second — three times faster than Surface Pro 3's PM851, which can only transfer data at 600B per second. The order, amounting to 20 million units, is expected to be completed by the latter half of 2016.

If these reports are to be believed and if these units are truly going to be incorporated into a new Surface Pro 4, then Microsoft seems to be following its tradition of creating dramatic changes between each Surface Pro versions. Surface Pro 2 and 3 differed largely in design, with the latter sporting a larger screen, a thinner body, and a better stylus. This time, however, Surface Pro 3 and 4 may differ significantly in performance with the new type of SSDs.

But with delivery not expected until late 2016, previous rumors that the Windows Surface Pro 4 will be launched together with the Windows 10 update may prove to be false.

WinBeta argues that this may actually be the best move for Microsoft so as to allow its current tablet-laptop hybrids to ride out their success with its niche market.

All of these are mere speculations and rumors for now. Stay tuned for updates on the Microsoft Surface Pro 4.

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