'Pokémon GO' cheats, tricks, tips: How to use Buddy System

(REUTERS/Chris Helgren)Niantic Labs has released a new update that introduces the Buddy Pokemon system.

The new "Pokémon GO" update is out and it comes with the highly anticipated Buddy System. Here is a guide on how to use Niantic Labs' newly rolled out update.

The Buddy Pokémon system allows players to choose a certain Pokémon to walk with whenever they are out and about, like Ash did with Pikachu in the series. But this update is not just for appearances. It also comes with the benefit of being able to collect candy for the Pokémon type that players choose to accompany them.

Players have been finding it hard to evolve some types of Pokémon due to the inavailability of them in the wild. As fans know, a certain number of candy is required to evolve each Pokémon, so it is definitely no easy task when the Pokémon of choice is quite uncommon. By using the Buddy Pokémon system, players will find it relatively easier to earn candy for each Pokémon.

At the moment, though, players can only earn one candy at a time. In order to gain a candy, players have to travel a specific number of kilometers, depending on which type of Pokémon they opt for. This can be quite tedious, as some Pokémon require as much as five kilometers in order to get just a single candy. The distance depends on how common the Pokémon is.

For example, a Rattata or Pidgey would only need 1 kilometer of walking before gaining a candy, as opposed to a Vulpix that requires 3 kilometers, and a Dratini that requires 5. For a full list of Buddy Pokémon statistics, click here.

In order to activate the Buddy Pokémon, players must go to the main screen and tap on the bottom left icon. After that, select the menu on the bottom right and look for "buddy." Once that button is tapped, players will be allowed to choose a Pokémon to become their buddy.

The "Pokémon GO" Buddy Pokémon system came with the patch update 0.37.0 for Android and 1.7.0 for iOS. Along with the Buddy Pokémon, the update also came with fixes concerning eggs and better performance when switching between networks.

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