'Red Dead Redemption 2' release date update: Rockstar Games may hold surprise launch

(Red Dead Redemption / Rockstar Games)Rockstar Games may launch "Red Dead Redemption 2" as a surprise.

Fans of the open-world action-adventure video game "Red Dead Redemption" have been waiting for the upcoming installment of the title. Although game developer Rockstar Games remains tight-lipped about the release of the title, it may come out when fans least expect it.

According to reports, in normal Rockstar Games fashion, the developer is not the type to announce the official release date of its upcoming games like "Red Dead Redemption 2." This is because the developer also wants fans to be surprised with the release, just like "GTA 5's" launch.

So, there is likely that no signs of "Red Dead Redemption 2" will be seen on upcoming international gaming conventions like the Tokyo Games Show (TGS) and Penny Arcade Expo (PAX) in September, and the Gamescom in August. Apparently, Rockstar wants to maintain the mystery and secrecy of each title it is releasing.

However, other reports are insisting that it could be released at the Gamescom event. The rumors sprouted when game publisher Take-Two confirmed its attendance, but it could also mean that its appearance is for a launching of another game.

As for the games other details, there are speculations that the game will not be named "Red Dead Redemption 2," since the games before it are titled "Red Dead Redemption" and "Red Dead Revolver." There is a possibility that it will be named "Red Dead Rebellion."

The setting of the upcoming title is rumored to feature a new landscape that could be an expansion from the previous title's map. Apparently, it has some connection with the Blackwater settlement so there will be a bayou swamp region.

The Blackwater settlement that may be featured could also be set in a different era, possibly before the Red Dead Redemption years, which is set in year 1911. A younger John Marston may appear as the main character or the game may introduce new faces.

More details will be revealed as soon as Rockstar Games releases "Red Dead Redemption 2."

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