'Selfie' Season 1 episodes recap, spoilers: Eliza urges Henry to have fun time

(Credit: NBC)

The new episode of 'Selfie' season 1 will show Eliza (Karen Gillian) trying to inject some fun into the usually-tame life of her marketing image consultant, Henry Higgs (John Cho).

Past episodes saw how Emily thinks that social media fame will gain her real life friends, and seeing how this is a superficial way to weasel into reality, Emily hires Higgs to help her improve what she posts on her Instagram account.

In season 1's fourth episode, Eliza takes Henry to a club so they can go dancing, something which Henry will feel hesitant about.

"You need to let loose and have some fun!" urges Eliza to Henry while hip-hop music plays in the background.

Being the uptight personality that he is, Henry negatively responds "Oh I get it. You think 'cause I'm Korean I automatically like hip hop?"

It won't be too boring for Henry long enough though. Once Henry hears the famous song 'Gangnam Style,' he couldn't help himself break into a dance, making Eliza think that her plan worked out well.

Will Henry maintain his brand new, carefree personality, or will it have a life span of just one song?

The next episode of Selfie airs on Tuesday, October 28, at 8 p.m.on ABC.

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