'Star Wars: The Force Awakens' update: John Boyega sees similarities between his character Finn and Luke Skywalker, Han Solo

(John Boyega/Official Instagram)

John Boyega is surely going to be a household name by the end of the year, especially after "Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens" gets released in theaters. But even now, a few months to its premiere, Boyega is already proving to be a popular force, with all his magazine interviews and cover shoots.

"Star Wars" fans are going to see some major screen action from Boyega when he stars as Finn on "Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens." He is one of the major characters in the first of the new sequel trilogy and will most likely reprise the role in "Episode VIII" and maybe even, "Episode IX."

Boyega talked about his "Star Wars" experience, from auditioning and script-reading to shooting the actual film. He described the audition process as "intense" and even likened it to "The X Factor" just without the televised episodes. He also recalled how he was called in for an audition seven months after it opened.

As for the first time he read the script, he said it was an emotional experience, admitting that he cried even though he is not "a big crier."

He also had a lot of good things to say about his character, Finn. He likened his First Order Stormtrooper to that of Luke Skywalker and Han Solo, played by Mark Hamill and Harrison Ford, respectively.

"Finn is dope. His story is so epic. It's a story that's never been seen before, but it also mirrors the stories of Luke Skywalker and Han Solo. And he's quirky and charismatic and funny. For me, he was the best character in the script," the 23-year-old told GQ, which was his first magazine cover shoot.

As for anyone who wants to yield a "real" lightsaber, the British actor said it's not that easy. He described lightsabers as heavy and said he had to train on a high incline treadmill so he could yield the weapon during filming.

See more of Boyega and his awesome new Jedi-in-training character when "Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens" rolls out to theaters this Dec. 18.

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