'The Flash' season 2 updates: Filming has begun on next season; synopsis raises questions about Barry's fate

(CW/Official Facebook page)

"The Flash" has just left the production starting line and is now filming for the second season. The announcement was made via Twitter.

Show co-creator and executive producer, Andrew Kreisberg took to Twitter yesterday to announce that they "[are] back" filming for the second season. With the annoucement, also came the release of the official synopsis for the second season by CW.

Crossmap reports, "Following the defeat of Barry Allen's arch-nemesis Eobard Thawne (aka Reverse Flash), Team Flash quickly turned their attention to the singularity swirling high above Central City, which fans last saw consuming everything in its path. Armed with the heart of a hero and the ability to move at super speeds, Barry charged into the eye of the singularity, but will he actually be able to save his city from impending doom?"

CW also revealed the title of the pilot episode for season two, "The Man Who Saves Central City." The title implies that Barry Allen aka The Flash will be able to patch the black hole left by the season one finale cliffhanger.

West-Allen shippers can also put their hopes of Barry and Irish West (Candice Patton) getting together in the second season, at least for the first few episodes, at bay. Barry Allen actor Grant Gustin tells TVLine that Eddie Thawne's (Rick Cosnett) death has greatly affected Irish and that it is simply not the right time to hook up.

However, this does not mean that Barry will be love-less in the new season. Executive producer Geoff Johns says they are bringing in a new character, who will be like The Flash's Felicity Smoak to Arrow. Wendy, still on the casting block, is a CCPD noob and is described as a spunkier and funnier Felicity Smoak. Joe West (Jesse L. Martin) is also getting a love interest in his old friend Olivia, who turns to him as a shoulder to cry on.

"The Flash" season six will premiere on October 6.

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