'Frozen 2' Release Date, Movie Plot, News, Rumors: release not likely to come before 2018

(YOUTUBE / WALT DISNEY)"Frozen 2" is slated to be released by 2018

The "Frozen" fever seems to be acting up again, with speculations about a sequel for the box office hit from Disney Studios being a hot topic for several months now. But "Frozen" fans can now rejoice, as Disney has recently confirmed that "Frozen 2" is indeed happening.

There is no denying that if there ever was a movie and theme song that defined 2013, then it would be "Frozen" and its theme song "Let It Go". The movie single handedly brought about the renaissance of Disney's animated films. Apart from being a critical success, the movie also broke commercial blockbuster records and is now considered to be the highest grossing animated movie of all time.

And because the first film was such a success, there has been a lot of pressure on its creators to come up with a sequel that can live up to or even surpass the response to the original movie.

Like most Disney movies, there is not much information available about what can be expected from "Frozen 2". But there are a number of fan theories on what the sequel could be about.

Some fans say that since Anna found her true love with Kristoff in the first movie, "Frozen 2" would see Elsa find her own prince as well.

Other fans are hoping that the second film will be about Anna and Kristoff, and how they go about being a young married couple.

While these are nothing but rumors, at least the appearance of the beloved characters, Olaf and Sven, has been confirmed. According to reports, the creators did not want the characters to be replaced as they were very well received.

"Frozen 2" is expected to be released in 2018, but the three-year wait will surely be worth it.

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