'Star Wars: The Force Awakens' rumor: theory is Finn is Lando Calrissian's son

(Official Star Wars website)Finns' official character poster for "Star Wars: The Force Awakens"

A lot of buzz around new "Star Wars: The Force Awakens" characters Finn and Rey circulated recently, especially after the recent wave of trailers and video clips. But it seems an online listing about a character's merch aims to answer one of the biggest mysteries surrounding Finn.

When the latest TV spot for "Star Wars: The Force Awakens" came out, there have been some whispers about Rey's (Daisy Ridley) lineage, connecting him to either Skywalker (Luke or Leia) or Han Solo. But there was also a slight buzz that the connection might not be with Rey after all but Finn (John Boyega), especially as the references to "familiar eyes" landed on both Rey's and Finn's close-ups.

While either theory is a possibility, another plausible theory leaked online.

SuperBro Movie News! tweeted a screenshot of an item posted over Amazon that teased Finn's lineage. The listing was of a 1000-piece Finn jigsaw puzzle. While that is not as interesting as it sounds for some, the description that came with it sure was. It claimed Boyega's character as "Lando Carlissian's son." While that is always a possibility, this piece of information should be treated with a grain of salt; especially as the listing's description has now been changed (see the updated listing here).

A lot of Amazon users have marked the listing with one star, castigating the lister for dropping a "fake tagline" to jack up the price and increase interest in the item. A closer look at the listing also points to it being fake. The lister says the product is made by Disney Lucas Films Ltd. First off, there never is a space between "Lucas" and "film" plus it's just "film" and never "films."

It is really no surprise that many Star Wars fans are trying to speculate on the connection between the new and old characters of the epic space drama. It is to be expected, especially as "Return of the Jedi" and "The Force Awakens" have some thirty-year difference in their timelines and the old beloved characters are coming back for what looks like significant roles as evidenced in the trailer.

Find out if any of the theories prove true when "Star Wars: The Force Awakens" rolls out to theatres on Dec. 18.

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