'Amazon Top Gear' series 'The Grand Tour' release date in autumn


"Top Gear" is a franchise that has been running on air for a long time. But now, an "Amazon Top Gear" show that's officially titled "The Grand Tour" is in production and will be released on Amazon Prime later this year. 

"The Grand Tour" will be presented and hosted by the classic trio consisting of Jeremy Clarkson, James May and Richard Hammond. The current "Top Gear" airing on BBC has tapped different hosts, including Matt LeBlanc of "Friends" fame and Chris Evans.

But where will "The Grand Tour" take the team of adventurers?

A lot of intrigue and speculations have surrounded the new series, and many fans tried to guess where they will be shooting first. But Clarkson revealed through his Twitter account that the first stop will be at a desert. He then followed it up with the revelation that their initial filming location will be in Johannesburg, South Africa. 

Additionally, for those who want to explore other parts of the world with the trio of presenters, Europe will also be a part of their location list.

Their move to Amazon was surprising at first, but it's calming to know that they will still continue to do what they love most. According to reports, they initially had a handful of offerings to choose from, but ultimately went with Amazon. The contract is reportedly worth a lot of money--unsurprisingly--but details have not been officially announced. Clarkson will produce the series himself.

And if some fans are wondering whether the show will last, don't fret. "The Grand Tour" will reportedly run for three seasons--at least, initially--and will consist of 12 episodes each season. And unlike other online shows, "The Grand Tour" will apparently release on a per episode basis, which means fans won't get the entire season all at once.

"The Grand Tour" will hit Amazon Prime in autumn.

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