'Jurassic World 2' rumors, news: Did J.A. Bayona reveal budget for the movie?

(Twitter/Jurassic World)Juan Antonio Bayona will take over the directorial job from Colin Trevorrow on the sequel "Jurassic World 2," which is scheduled to be shown in 2018.

Details about the upcoming sequel "Jurassic World 2" have been scarce and it was quite a surprise for many when news came out that director Juan Antonio Bayona allegedly spilled the budget for the film. However, days after, another publication contradicted the claim saying the budget has not been determined yet.

On Sept. 18, Scified reported an interview wherein the director supposedly confirmed that the budget for the upcoming sequel to "Jurassic World" is $260 million. He also said that the movie does not have an official title yet. The director was also quoted as describing the movie to be in the "Champion League" of cinema, which he accepted largely because of creator Steven Spielberg and producer Frank Marshall.

The following day, Slash Film reported that a reliable source denied the news saying Bayona did not reveal the budget. The source further shared that development has not reached a point where a budget can be finalized yet, but claims it will not be anywhere near the reported $260 million.

Scified updated the news immediately, stating the news by Slash Film. The update also stated that the figure does seem high but, after the first movie earned almost $2 billion, it will not be surprising for Universal Studios to allow such expenses. Still, the publication acknowledges that what they have gathered could be an exaggeration.

The first movie, which was shown last year, worked on a $150 million budget. It is believed that the location for the upcoming film will no longer just be confined to an island. Speculations are rife that the dinosaurs will begin to show up in the main streets, with some rumors even suggesting dinosaurs will be weaponized.

"Jurassic World 2" is slated to premiere in June 2018. Production is expected to start early next year, and it will not be long before concrete details about the film will be shared.

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