'Pokemon Go' tips, tricks and cheats: How to acquire more PokeCoins

(Pokemon Go official website)Promotional image of the Pokemon Go Plus, a wearable accessory to the "Pokemon Go" app

The hype of "Pokémon Go" may have already died down, but some gamers are still aiming to be one of the best trainers in the mobile app. One of the ways to be the best is by having a lot of PokeCoins, which is the in-game currency. With this, there is a method on how to earn it more easily.

In order to buy more items within "Pokémon Go," gamers will need PokeCoins and one way to obtain them is by doing an in-game purchase with the player's cash. However, there is a certain technique that a trainer can do and this is by leaving the Pokémon in a PokeGym.

Based on reports, when the trainer has already reached level 5, he or she needs to choose a team to join from Valor, Mystic and Instinct. After that, the feature to leave Pokémon in friendly PokeGyms will be doable.

As long as the friendly PokeGym has a slot for the trainers' Pokemon, they'll be able to defend it. If there is none, players will need to train their creatures more in order to raise the prestige of the PokeGym. Once this has happened, there will be a new available slot for another Pokémon which would give users more PokeCoins.

Another method for obtaining more in-game currency is by knocking down other rival gyms which would make it unoccupied. With this, the trainers will be able to put one of their own Pokémon in the newly acquired gym thus giving them a Defender bonus.

On the other hand, there are reports by SilphRoad that data miners were able to uncover new information from the v0.45.0 of the Android version of the app. It was seen in the game's code that the Pokedex was increased and it spans from #152 which is Chikorita to #251 which is Celebi. However, there is still no definite release date yet for the Generation 2 Pokémon.

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