'Game of Thrones' season 7 spoilers, plot rumors: Dothraki attacks Lannister caravans; Stark siblings reunite

(Facebook/GameofThrones)"Game of Thrones" season 7 will air in summer 2017.

More spoilers are coming in for "Game of Thrones" season 7 — thanks in large part to dedicated fan site Watchers on the Wall (WotW). Most recently, it has been revealed that the upcoming season will feature a horde of Dothraki attacking Lannister caravans, as well as a highly anticipated Stark reunion.

According to one WotW report, the action scene involving the Dothraki horde is being filmed in Malpartida de Cáceres, Spain. It seems that the cast and crew have been at it, not even taking a rest during the weekend. Hundreds of extras have been shipped in for the scene, which is described to be an ambush. Lannister caravans carrying goods from Highgarden to King's Landing will be attacked by the Dothraki, although no sighting of Emilia Clarke's Daenerys Targaryen has been reported, so it remains to be seen if she will take part.

As for the Stark siblings' reunion, only Arya and Bran are missing. However, season 7 will see them all reunited for the first time since season 1. As fans know, Arya was in Braavos learning the ways of the Faceless Men, while Bran was training with the Three-Eyed Raven and subsequently assumed the role after a White Walker attack. Sansa, on the other hand, has been through quite a lot — from Littlefinger's manipulations to Ramsay Bolton's torturous ways.

Even though the Starks are happy about seeing each other again, it seems that Sansa and Arya will not see eye-to-eye when it comes to ruling the North. The two sisters will find themselves at odds at first and Littlefinger, being the opportunist he is, will try to pit them against each other even more for his benefit. However, it is believed that the Starks will work it out in the end.

It was previously reported that two new locations will be featured in the seventh season of HBO's fantasy series. Fans will witness the respective Tyrell and Lannister strongholds, Highgarden and Casterly Rock — two places that have been mentioned in passing but have never actually been seen.

In other news, a "Game of Thrones" prequel is reportedly in the works, but nothing has been set in stone so far. 

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