Final Fantasy XV heading for an early 2015 release

(PHOTO: FFXV Home Official Website)Final Fantasy XV Characters

The fifteenth release of the Final fantasy franchise is expected to release in 2015 though nothing yet is revealed about the exact Final Fantasy XV release date. Square Enix changed the initially proposed name Final Fantasy Versus XIII to the more regular, Final Fantasy XV at the E3 2013. The game was announced in 2006 itself, but it is only now that fans can be sure of anything at all.

The Final Fantasy XV gameplay and graphics will be totally different from the Final Fantasy series so far. With the next-gen consoles the action and gameplay will be a class above the rest of the Final Fantasy versions. The story and the base world remain the same but with a fresh appearance.

Square Enix is strictly focusing on the development for an intended global launch of the game instead of releasing trailers. The developers apparently do not want to leave room for a single disappointment.

The official promotions of the Final Fantasy XV began at the TGS 2014 and restricted releases of combat styles, vehicles, characters and even mini games have followed. The game is being prepared for the smoothest gameplay on PS4 and XBox One.

The Final Fantasy XV characters are more resolute than ever and develop well in this version. The much hyped new character of Stella Nox Fleuret, a young ambassador from Tenebrae's Kingdom, is one of the main characters. As far as the enemy characters are concerned, the Behemoth and the Iron Giant will make a comeback. The Leviathan is a giant, high level summon. The roles of the summons are yet to be disclosed but rumor has it that some summons can be used to ride!

The mysterious Etro might be demystified further in the Final Fantasy XV and more mysteries will be introduced. On the whole, there are a lot of factors that have kept Final Fantasy fans hooked to the upcoming game! More Final Fantasy XV news will be updated on the official page.


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