'Law & Order: SVU' season 18 premiere spoilers: Noah approves of his mother's new man

(Facebook/lawandordersvu)Noah likes Tucker for his mom in "Law & Order: SVU" season 18.

Noah (Jack Nawada-Braunwart), Lt. Olivia Benson's (Mariska Hargitay) adopted child, likes his mother's very special friend in the new season of "Law & Order: Special Victims Unit."

Recently, it has been teased that Benson and Captain Ed Tucker (Robert John Burke) will finally hook up in the upcoming installment. After a long time of watching the pair circling around each other, viewers may be getting a healthy dose of love and affection from both of them. Hargitay previously told E! Online that her character feels like a woman whenever she is around Tucker. Benson has been known as a tough chick. Being the head of the SVU team requires her to have a strong persona, but with the white-haired captain, she becomes gentler.

Perhaps, one huge point for Tucker is that Noah likes him a lot. They even go for walks with Benson and the boy feels at ease with him. Ever since Benson adopted the little kid, her world started revolving around him. She was frantic when she thought he was kidnapped and even thought of quitting her job because of the danger attached to it. If Noah adores Tucker, it will be easy for her to love him too. She certainly deserves to be happy and he looks like the man who can sweep her off her feet.

Meanwhile, executive producer Julie Martin told The Hollywood Reporter that she was excited to learn that Hargitay decided to stay for the upcoming season. She said they work well together and have the same "sensibilities" about what they want to happen in the series. The EP also said that the new episodes would continue to tackle sensitive issues, especially about women. "SVU" has been known to dwell on hard-hitting topics like rape and violence. Only last finale, a corrections officer was taken down for viciously hurting the inmates on his watch.

"The unfortunate reality, as we all know, is that the majority of victims of sexual assault and domestic violence are women. There are strong women survivor characters in almost every episode so I think having a woman's sensibility and a woman's voice is very, very helpful to telling those stories," she shared.

NBC has not yet announced a release date for "Law & Order: SVU" season 18.

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