'Steven Universe' season 4 spoilers: Who will be harvested in episode 8? Onion becomes a significant character

(Facebook/Steven Universe)"Steven Universe" season 4 is currently airing, but its eighth episode has yet to get an airing date.

After Onion and Steven formed a promising bond in the previous episode, he will become a prominent character in the upcoming ones. The next episode hints of a Gem about to be harvested.  However, it has also been revealed that the show is on an indefinite hiatus so viewers will have to wait and see what happens next.

"Steven Universe" season 4 episode 8 is titled "Gem Harvest," and not many information is being shared about the plot. From the title, however, it may mean Peridot or Jasper could be harvested. Steven's interaction with new characters may seem like a filler episode, but it could also be intended for a bigger storyline.

It has been revealed that there is so much more to Onion than just being the quiet and seemingly recluse kid. As he forms an unusual yet promising friendship with the show's main protagonist, Steven, viewers are also introduced to his friends namely Squash, Garbanzos, Pinto, and Soup. Hence, the episode was titled "Onion Gang."

The names are familiar to every household because they are staples in the kitchen and in everyday life. Steven goes through life every day with unusual surprises and discoveries and his alliance with Onion is expected to be explored further in the coming episodes.

However, it is not yet known when "Steven Universe" season 4 episode 8 will be shown as the show is reportedly on an indefinite hiatus. The speculation is brought about by the lack of scheduling update that shows that the coming episode does not have a premiere date yet.

There is so much more that fans look forward to in the season especially the storyline that involves Rose Quartz and Yellow Diamond. Many of the viewers believe that the show will soon take a look on Rose Quartz's past and reveal her powers. Speculations of Yellow Diamond's arrival on Earth are also rife.

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