'The Legend of Zelda Wii U' release date: game may be coming to the console after all

(YouTube courtesy of Nintendo Wii U UK)

It looks as though "The Legend of Zelda Wii U" will have two consoles to call home upon being released.

There's not a lot that's currently known about the highly anticipated title, but one rumor about it that has continued to persist is that it will end up on both the Wii U and the Nintendo NX.

Just this month, recent rumors about the game have continued to drive that notion home.

First off, in a detailed NeoGAF thread that gave plenty of details about the NX, it was revealed that the new console would have its fair share of remastered Wii U games.

Apparently, "The Legend of Zelda Wii U" will be one of those remastered games, despite the fact that it has yet to even be given an official release date for the currently available console.

On top of that, it was also just earlier this month that Nintendo blogger Emily Rogers indicated that the upcoming game would indeed be made available for both consoles after confirming the rumor with her sources, Nerd Reactor reported.

At this point, given the uncertainty of both the NX console and the game itself, it's still hard to tell just how reliable the multi-console rumor really is, though the amount of people vouching for it would seem to bolster its case for legitimacy.

In a recent interview with Stack, the game's producer Eiji Aonuma revealed that the developers are already focusing on the game and then urged fans to look forward to it.

Hopefully, that also means that the game is also moving closer and closer to completion, and that more official details about it will be revealed within the year.

Official news about "The Legend of Zelda Wii U" possibly heading to the Nintendo NX may not be available now, but if the gaming giant really is planning such a move, then fans can probably look forward to such an announcement being made in the future.

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