Why 'Jurassic World' is a global hit

(REUTERS/DAVID MCNEW)Actor Chris Pratt, who plays raptor trainer Owen in 'Jurassic World', poses at Universal Studios in Los Angeles, California, June 6, 2015.

No one expected "Jurassic World" to be as big a hit as it is now. Producers were expecting the dinosaur franchise to make at least $120 million on its opening weekend and were understandably blown away when it raked in more than $500 million in ticket sales worldwide.

But what was it that made "Jurassic World" the monster hit that it is today?

Chris Pratt is being pointed as one of the main reasons people came to see "Jurassic World." The erstwhile Star Lord is admittedly one of the best, and most famous, leading man in the entertainment industry today. After all, he has the looks and the talent. His flair for comedy does not hurt him either.

Paul Dergarabedian described Pratt as "the modern action hero." Rentrak's senior media analyst added that "he's funny, he's self-deprecating. He just has the perfect sensibility for today's audiences."

The release of "Jurassic World" also could not have come at a better time.  The movie doesn't have any serious competitor at the moment. "Age of Ultron" is on its last few weeks in theaters and the hype surrounding "Mad Max: Fury Road" is slowly dying down. There might be a few good movies coming up in the next few weeks but not on the same scale, or world, as "Jurassic World."

IMAX and 3D screens also gave the movie a big boost as a lot of viewers wanted to see the new dinosaurs in the biggest screens possible. Credit should also be given to the film's director Colin Trevorrow and his star Pratt for doing a very good job in extolling the virtues of seeing "Jurassic World" in all its 3D glory.

But what probably sets "Jurassic World" apart from the superhero franchises and big budgeted films that are currently the norm is that it went for a smaller scale, not in terms of budget or the CGI (because those dinosaurs were massive) but the story line. While blockbusters like the "Avengers," "Star Trek" or "Transformers" were about saving the world, "Jurassic World" was about saving a small set of people. Focusing on the survival of just a handful of regular Joes made it more personal and more real. And it made the audience care.

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