Google Nexus 7 2016 release date: Tablet's arrival could be tied to debut of new Andromeda operating system

(ASUS)People still waiting to hear more about the new Nexus 7 tablet

An updated version of the Google Nexus 7 tablet has been rumored to come out for a while now, and yet, there's still no trace of it.

For those who may have missed it, rumblings about the new tablet really began to pick up after a tweet from noted tipster Evan Blass.

Blass shared that a new Huawei-built Google tablet was due out for release before the end of the year.

Even though Blass didn't specifically identify the tablet in the tweet as the new Nexus 7, many people still interpreted it as such, and thus the search began in earnest for this new device.

There were even rumblings that the tablet in question would finally be shown off alongside the new Pixel phones during Google's Oct. 4 event.

Alas, that event came and went with no new Nexus tablet.

So, what gives then? Have plans for the rumored tablet changed, leading to it potentially being scrapped altogether, or is there something else in play that has caused the delay of the tablet's debut?

Back in September, a report from 9to5 Google revealed that one of the key features of the rumored Nexus tablet could be the new Andromeda operating system.

That new operating system has yet to be officially announced, and perhaps it is one of the reasons why the tablet is missing.

If Google really does intend to give people access to the upcoming operating system via the new Nexus tablet, then it wouldn't be all that surprising if they are released together, even if that meant needing to delay one of them.

For now, it's unclear just how far along in development Google's Andromeda operating system is, but people looking for the tablet may want to keep an eye out for the Andromeda as well.

More details about the new Google Nexus 7 tablet should be made available in the near future.

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