'Pokemon Go' field test update enables real-time battle system

(YouTube / The Official Pokemon Channel)"Pokemon Go" with real-time battle system

A recent update has been rolled out for the "Pokemon Go" field test, and this time, it finally enables the much-awaited Gym Battle. However, it appears like this version is a bit different compared to the traditional one that can be found in the handheld console "Pokemon" games.

According to the live thread for "Pokemon Go" field test on Reddit, the augmented reality mobile game will move from the traditional turn-based battle system to a much more advanced real-time system, which is currently being tested right now.

As detailed on the post, the real-time battle will allow the users to dodge enemy attacks by swiping left or right on their phone's screen. But unfortunately, players cannot dodge all the attacks in the game. As stated there, AoE (Area of Effect) type of attacks are always hit, meaning, even if the monster has managed to move away from its line of fire, it will still take some damage from it.

As for the type of attacks, the list has noted that there are two ways to attack an enemy: the quick attack, which is performed by doing a tap on the screen, and charge attack that can be used by pressing and holding the screen.

The element of the monster in "Pokemon Go" will also greatly affect the damage it will deal to the enemies. A message saying "It's not very effective!" will pop up when two monsters have a similar element or if the attacking "Pokemon" has an inferior element to the one it is attacking. The message "It's super effective!" will appear on the screen if the attacking monster has a stronger element.

Head over to the Reddit thread to find out the complete details that are updated real-time.

There hasn't been any announcement yet, though, regarding the release date of "Pokemon Go" or when the field test will end. So for now, it's best to just wait for more news coming from Niantic Labs.

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