• gun-control

    Connecticut lawmakers agree to strict new gun restrictions

  • neville-hall-at-presbyterian-college-in-clinton-south-carolina

    Reward offered in threatening letters case at Presbyterian College

  • small-palm-tree

    United Church of Christ aims to plant 100,000 trees in 50 days

  • starbucks

    Offended anti-gay marriage group wants Starbucks stock dump

  • pro-life

    New North Dakota legislation stirs life-abortion debate

  • supreme-court-attorney-ted-olson

    Supreme Court may not be ready for sweeping same-sex marriage decision

  • episcopal-bishops-for-gun-control

    US senators threaten new filibuster against gun control

  • Same-sex marriage supporters gather at US Supreme Court

  • u-s-supreme-court

    US Supreme Court to hear same-sex marriage cases

  • michael-bloomberg

    New York mayor gives $12 million for gun control ads

  • US Catholics stand up against drones, cite teachings

  • Obama tells US Congress to finish the job on gun control

  • green-street-church

    Methodist church in US state halts weddings until gay marriage legal

  • Senate approves $3.7 trillion budget

  • House passes budget bill, averts government shutdown