• rev-gary-hall

    Faith leaders urge US Congress on gun law reform in new ad [VIDEO]

  • obama-meeting

    Ecumenical leaders meet with Obama to discuss immigration

  • bill-clinton

    Clinton urges Supreme Court: Repeal anti-gay marriage law

  • cardinal-timothy-dolan

    Poll: Catholics say Church out of touch, want change

  • gun-sale-gun-law

    U.S. Senate committee passes gun trafficking bill

  • u-s-president-barack-obama

    U.S. Christian leaders urge end to brinkmanship on spending cuts

  • ministerio-internacional-el-rey-jesus

    Survey: U.S. Protestant Hispanics more religious than Catholics

  • the-rev-jeffrey-carter

    Historic U.S. peace church seminary names new head

  • governor-dannel-malloy

    U.S. state governor proposes more expansive gun laws

  • president-barack-obama

    Obama considers weighing in on gay marriage case

  • president-barack-obama

    Will Obama mention hunger in major agenda-setting speech?

  • episcopal-church-presiding-bishop-katharine-jefferts-schori

    U.S. Episcopal leader submits testimony on gun violence

  • u-s-president-barack-obama-right-and-secretary-of-health-and-human-services-kathleen-sebelius

    Catholic bishops say U.S. birth control proposal falls short

  • nemo-blizzard

    Nemo drops 2 feet of snow in northeast US; at least five dead

  • joshua-dubois

    Head of White House faith-based office stepping down